The New Horizon of Wearable Technology

Have you ever heard of “wearing your heart on your sleeve”? Well, now you can – sort of. Fitness trackers have become popular over the past two years. They allow a runner or athlete to measure distance, speed, calories burned, and even heart rate through biometric sensing. A device no larger than a watch tracks all of this information. These modern accessories are not the first wearable technology, and they won’t be the last.

What is Wearable Technology?

It’s difficult to place exactly when wearable technology began due to some controversy over the definition. Regardless, this technology is by no means a “new” development. Some say that wearable technology started with the trendy pocket watch. Others say the evolution of the pocket watch to the digital wristwatch with a built-in calculator (popular in the 80’s) sparked the movement.

Wearable technology is most often recognized as the overlap of technology and the functionality of everyday wear. Other forms of wearable technology include beanies with built in headphones, luminescent shirts, and Google Glass (glasses which can display text messages, allow photo manipulation, and even read books). A 2014 Forbes article calculated that 71% of people in the 16-24-year-old bracket desire wearable technology. This demographic makes sense, considering how integrated technology already is in modern life. Ask yourself just how many waking minutes each day you are not interacting with technology in some form. For most, the answer is probably less than one hour. Some even have the television, radio, etc. on while sleeping.

With this kind of statistic, it is not surprising that wearable technology is on the rise. The phenomena can even be seen beyond the world of fashionable consumer use. Some hotels are attempting to supply electronic bracelets instead of key cards that will grant access to a guest’s hotel room. The health industry is also jumping on the wearable technology train, with goals to extend wearable technology to allow patients to test and track things like blood sugar in a non-invasive way and then upload the information upon entering a doctor’s office. Sporting institutions such as the PGA are encouraging the use of wearable technology to improve golfers’ skills.

Do you own any wearable technology? Have you had any problems with it?

With so many innovative wearable technology gadgets gaining popularity or only being tested out, it’s important to have a one-stop repair shop for all of your tech needs. Cell Phone Repair staffs technical experts that can troubleshoot even the most unheard of devices, not to mention that they can fix all kinds of electronic problems from a shattered tablet to a water damaged phone or broken XBox 360. No matter the problem or device, you can rely on the professionals at a CPR location near you to bring your electronics back to life.

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