9 New Year’s Tech Resolutions for 2019

Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions, but 80 percent of them fail by the second week in February. Only eight percent of people stick to their resolutions and achieve their goals. This year, make some New Year’s tech resolutions that you’ll want to keep to contribute to a happier and healthier you.

9 New Year’s Tech Resolutions

Start 2019 off on the right foot with these easy-to-make tech resolutions.

1. Unsubscribe from Unwanted Emails

Everyone receives spam emails they don’t want. Instead of clicking “delete” or ignoring them, unsubscribe from them to help tidy up your inbox. While you can tackle this task by unsubscribing from them individually, you can also use a service such as Unroll.Me to stop receiving emails you don’t want in bulk.

2. Secure Your Devices

With how much this generation relies on cell phones and technology, it’s important to keep your devices secure. To get started, there are a few different steps you can take to help protect your information. For your cell phone, use fingerprint or face recognition technology if your device allows for it. Otherwise, be sure to choose a strong PIN for your password. After choosing your unlocking method, don’t forget to review and update your location settings.

3. Repurpose Old Devices

Everyone has a junk drawer that probably has an old cell phone or other device sitting in it. Instead of having them take up space this year, try repurposing them. Download kid-friendly apps to entertain the kids, use it as a security camera, or trade the device in for something new at your local CPR Cell Phone Repair store. Just because you’re device is old doesn’t mean it’s no longer useful!

4. Update Your Devices

With a new year comes fresh beginnings. Be sure to give your software a fresh start with an update, too. While updating your device not only brings you up to speed with the latest functions, it also helps make secure your device, too. Make 2019 the year you don’t procrastinate (at least with software updates).

5. Put Down Your Phone

In September of 2018, Apple launched Screen Time in the iOS 12 update. The feature is designed to measure how much time you’ve spent on your devices and even specific apps. If you have an Apple device, utilize this feature this year to easily help reduce your screen time. Not only will spending less time staring at your screen allow for more time spent on more productive activities, but it’s also been proven to reduce anxiety and stress and lead to better sleep. If you’ve already made a resolution to become a happier and healthier version of yourself, this could be a great way to help achieve your goal!

6. Clean Your Devices

The average adult checks their phone 50 to 300 times per day! In fact, most people admit they can’t even go to the bathroom without it. Because of this dependency, thousands of germs linger on your phone from checking it regularly throughout the day. This year, make it a habit to clean your phone and other devices regularly. The easiest way to clean your gadget is to use a small amount of dish soap and water and a microfiber cloth. After wringing out the excess water, gently wipe your device clean.

7. Protect Your Devices

Today’s technology is made to last, but even the most robust screens can break. CPR technicians recommend using a tempered glass screen protector for your device. Tempered glass is more durable than plastic and even has the same feel as a smartphone screen. To find a reliable screen protector, consider purchasing a ZAGG InvisibleShield screen protector. ZAGG protectors come with a limited lifetime warranty and can even be purchased at your local CPR Cell Phone Repair store.

8. Declutter iCloud

Every Apple account receives 5 GB of data on iCloud. Depending on the amount of pictures, app data and other information backed up on your device, that 5 GB fills up rather quickly. To free up space, manage your iCloud storage to make sure you’re backing up the information you want to keep. Check to see what your iCloud account is currently storing, and get rid of any unnecessary information to help declutter your account.

9. Repair Broken Devices

If you have a broken device taking up space around your house, make it one of your New Year’s tech resolutions to get it fixed. You can try a DIY repair or trust the expert technicians at CPR Cell Phone Repair to assist you with a variety of common issues. From cell phones and laptops to game consoles and more, we’re always ready to help save your mobile life.

Make 2019 the year of achieving your goals! Your devices can help get you where you want to be, but only if they’re working in tip-top shape. Contact your nearest CPR store to receive a free repair estimate on your next repair to help you work towards your New Year’s tech resolutions all year long.

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