The New iPhone 6 Features!

Have you heard? The new iPhone 6 was released on September 19th! You know what that means… New iPhone 6 features that make you wonder why you haven’t traded your old model in yet. But before you make that decision, let’s take a look at the iPhone 6 features that may – or may not – be worth the upgrade.
iPhone 6 Features
Use this list to learn about the features you can expect to see with the iPhone 6 debut.
The iPhone 6 maintains a great smartphone design for single-hand use. However, the rounded edges and equally distributed weight are two new iPhone 6 features that may make the phone easier to drop, according to some critics. That being said, it’s more comfortable to hold than its predecessors. The only questionable element of the design is the slightly protruding camera lens that the iPhone 6 will rest on when on its back.
The larger 4.7” screen with 1334×750 pixel resolution is one of the most apparent and talked about iPhone 6 features. This means that the viewing area is 38% larger while the phone is only 13% bigger. Display Zoom allows you to easily expand on-screen elements and text, a handy ability for those with vision issues. The iPhone 6 features dual-pixels as well, reducing color distortion from slant angles. Want an extra row of icons on the home screen? The display allows for that, too!
In “real world use,” the iPhone 6 battery performed better than the iPhone 5s. It can last almost two days on a charge. However, the hour ratings done by Apple indicate a fairly similar battery life when using iPhone 6 features like media playback, browsing, and standby mode.
The Apple iPhone still reigns supreme among mobile smartphones when it comes to the camera’s picture and video quality. It doesn’t necessarily boast the most megapixels or tricks, but it reliably does what the user needs it to do. A couple of iPhone 6 features to look forward to in the camera are Focus Pixels (which essentially translates into faster autofocusing) and improved panorama and video shots.
Want to be on the forefront of cutting edge technology? One of the iPhone 6 features is just that. It’s called an A8 chip, and it’s Apple’s new uber processor that allows the iPhone 6 to be faster and more furious than ever. The chip is what allows the camera and other visual features to be so advanced. Not to mention that it enables you to play more powerful games.
Are these iPhone 6 features enough to inspire you to trade in your old Apple or other smartphone? We’ll let you decide. But before you get lured into a quick decision (because – let’s face it – this phone pretty much rocks), ask yourself if what your old phone needs is really just a few repairs. Cracked screen? Dysfunctional charging port? Camera issues? Bring your Apple or other smartphone into one of the CPR store locations for a free assessment before you decide to upgrade. CPR offers a plethora of repair services, handled by the best technicians at an affordable cost to you. What are you waiting for?