10 Tips to Enhance Your Computer Network Security

Whether you own a small business or simply have a wireless home internet setup, your electronic devices participate in a computer network, which makes computer network security just as vital as personal computer safety. In fact, computer network security is essentially the front line of defense against cyber attacks that may compromise client or personal information, documents, photographs, emails, etc.

A computer or laptop other than the one you personally use may be compromised and through the network connection be granted greater access to your personal devices. Once the computer network security is compromised, so are you – so don’t let this happen!

How to Enhance Your Computer Network Safety

Instead, practice these 10 tips to enhance your computer network security in your business, home, and beyond!

Guard the Gates

There are definite weaknesses in any structure, be it a castle or a computer network. Security starts with guarding the points of entry, the holes in the fortress wall if you will. Threats like hackers have a much easier time sneaking through a common gate than finding another point of entry. How do employees and clients enter the network? Be sure these routes are password protected and encrypted.

Man the Turrets

Boost your computer network security on a device by device basis, installing antivirus software to protect against malware and raising individual firewalls. These measures act as a deterrent as well as a defense. It helps detect unauthorized programs and users, then reports back to you.

Filter Out the Riff Raff

Consider installing spam filter software or outsourcing to an outside service provider that can filter spam for your entire network. The software option is less costly, but for larger amounts of emails, etc. you might opt for the latter.


Encrypting your hardware and data in several subsequent steps may be time-consuming for employees or other members of the network, but it makes a difference in computer network security. And make sure your passwords would make Sir Cadogan proud. In other words, challenge unauthorized entrance by creating complex passwords with a variety of letters, symbols, and numbers.

Monitor Traffic

Install software or hardware that keeps track of who is visiting which files and sites, when, and on which computer(s).

Restrict Full Access

Not everyone on the network needs to have complete access to all files, settings, etc. It’s beneficial to have a hierarchy in which only a few people have passwords to the most sensitive information.

Update Security Forces as Necessary

There will always be new security threats knocking at the door, attempting to compromise your computer network security. Check your security software and service vendor websites for updates on a regular basis. Also keep in mind that you’ll need to update protocol and new computers if your company, family, or other organization grows.

Limit Threats from Afar

Set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for team members or family working remotely in places that may have a less secure public Wi-Fi that could expose and compromise your computer network security.

Create a Point of Refuge

In the case that your computer network security measures are not enough and your system becomes inaccessible or corrupted, it’s beneficial to have an alternate host for any website, etc. that might be affected. That way, those systems can be restored if hacked.

Educate the Masses

Computer network security is not dependent on one person; it depends on every person utilizing the network. Educating everyone on the proper safety precautions and systems helps things run more smoothly and safely.

You have probably noticed that a few of these tips are the same (but on a smaller scale) for your personal laptop, tablet and other devices. That’s because users need to practice good security on each device to ensure overall network security. If you are experiencing malfunctions due to a virus on your laptop, tablet or smartphone, contact CPR immediately. Cell Phone Repair can assess any malfunctions that require repair or replacement. A slow loading speed or consistent crashes may have more to do with a faulty app or water damage than a serious problem like a virus. It’s always best to get advice from expert technicians to keep your personal devices safe and your computer network security up to snuff.

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