The Cyber Security Challenge: Seeking New Defenses Against an Evolving Threat

Ever wondered why the human immune system hasn’t adjusted to beat the common cold or flu? The microscopic world of bacteria, viruses, and bugs is evolving just as quickly as our immune systems. In fact, it is the immune system that must keep pace with the evolving threat. The cyber security challenge facing our world is the much the same.

What is a Cyber Security Challenge?

Consider how the introduction of new technology factors into this cyber security challenge. Hackers develop new programs to steal information and compromise systems, while the rest of society attempts to reduce how susceptible we are to these increased threats. However, both sides of the cyber security challenge are utilizing the same new technology. So it is essentially an evolutionary race between the attackers and the attacked.

Unfortunately, changes in security systems to meet this cyber security challenge are often slower. Why? Hackers follow no rules and do not adhere to policy and public decision. As a group, developing security software and protocol with new technology is a bureaucratic process requiring both agreement and coordination.

Also, those on the side of defense in the cyber security challenge are in the “position of the interior,” dubbed by military strategist Carl von Clausewitz. This means that while society must defend an attack from every possible angle, an attack must only find one single chink in the armor, one single flaw that allows a hacker to infiltrate a computer system and cause chaos.

Preventing a Cyber Security Challenge

The real cyber security challenge is for society as a whole to be one step ahead of cyber attacks. To accomplish this, BAE Systems and Digital Barriers sponsor a method incidentally called “The Cyber Security Challenge.” “As hacked databases and the loss of sensitive data dominate the headlines, this timely challenge will seek out and reward innovative solutions to data issues,” claim the sponsors.

Each year, a competition is held with the goal “to stimulate and engage emerging, innovative technologies, and research ideas to solve the problem of data leakage.” Researchers and cyber security start-ups can participate by offering ideas and solutions to cyber threats and challenges faced by society. A different kind of threat or problem is featured each year, and the winning innovators win prize money that aids in further developing research.

Are you taking a proactive approach to your personal cyber security challenge? Aside from security software, you can be proactive by maintaining an up-to-date system and repairing any device malfunctions you experience on your tablet, smartphone, laptop, etc.

If you are experiencing issues with any device, Cell Phone Repair can bring it back to life. Take it into a CPR location for a free repair assessment and estimate or mail it in for repair – the choice is yours! Contact CPR for more information.

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