The Samsung Galaxy S9 was announced in February of 2018, and released in March of 2018. It offers a 5.8-inch screen, a rear camera resolution of 12 MP, and a front camera resolution of 8 MP. This model has advanced battery power capability, yet it still offers the fan favorite wireless charging technology. Consumers love the new features like the AR emoji that lets you take a selfie, and an emoji is generated based on your appearance. The Live Translation feature is also awe-inspiring as it enables you to place the camera above a menu or text and auto-translate it. Don’t let accidental damage prevent you from taking advantage of all of these great S9 features! Depend on CPR for fast, reliable Samsung Galaxy S9 repair services.
The Samsung Galaxy S9’s infinity display is an edge-to-edge screen with a crisp and clear picture. Its QHD+ screen with 567 pixels per inch is a pretty picture perfect for snapping photos and recording videos. If your Galaxy S9 takes a fall, don’t panic. The expert technicians at CPR Cell Phone Repair are trained in repairing cracked screens. Our fast, affordable screen repair service can be completed within one business day, if not while you wait in the store!
If your smartphone gets wet, there is no need to worry! The Samsung Galaxy S9 was created with IP68 waterproofing so that your device can handle a water accident. If you think your phone is suffering from water damage, bring it to CPR. Our team is qualified to diagnose the issue and find a solution. Call your local CPR Cell Phone Repair for a free estimate on your Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9+ repair!
At CPR Cell Phone Repair, Samsung Galaxy S9 Repair Services repair services don’t have to break the bank. Our services are both fast and budget-friendly. Depending on the type of damage and the extent of the damage to your Samsung Galaxy S9 Repair Services, repair costs will vary. For an accurate estimate on your Samsung Galaxy S9 Repair Services, please