The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 made its first appearance in August of 2016. The new phone is a huge step up from the previous year’s edition, the Note 5, with initial off-the-chart reviews. With this update, we saw a significantly improved camera, a dual-edge display screen, and a more intelligent S Pen.
The display on the Note 7 is initially stunning. The phone features a dual-edge screen, meaning the sides of the phone’s screen curve, as opposed to the traditional straight edge look. In addition to the design of screen, the Note 7 features an AMOLED screen. This component makes everything you see on the display significantly enhanced for a brilliant viewing experience.
Though the phone is built with some of the best materials, accidental falls and nicks still can cause damage. For a Galaxy Note 7 repair that will have it back to looking like new again, visit a CPR near you! We specialize in rapid repairs that are affordable, too. Our technicians are skilled in repairing any tech device and have all the latest tools to help.
The Note 7 received an IP68 rating. This means that the phone is completely resistant to dust and mostly resistant to water. However, the phone is only protected in water as deep as 5 feet for no longer than 30 minutes. Another limitation explains that salt water will cause further damage to your phone that may not be protected by the phone’s tough foundation.
If your phone takes a dip in deeper water or is submerged passed its promised lifespan, CPR technicians specialize in reviving phones that have fallen victim to water damage. CPR is able to replace or salvage damaged parts to get your phone back to running as good as new. Visit a location near you for help with any water damaged devices!
At CPR Cell Phone Repair, Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Repair Services repair services don’t have to break the bank. Our services are both fast and budget-friendly. Depending on the type of damage and the extent of the damage to your Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Repair Services, repair costs will vary. For an accurate estimate on your Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Repair Services, please